Taluka population in virudhunagar Chinnakamanpatti has a total population of 2,894 peoples, out of which male population is 1,421 while Varalotti village is located in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Get Detailed information about Varalotti village like History, Population, Census, Pincode, STD Code, Street Map, Satellite Map etc. The total population of Illuppaiyur is 627 out of which 312 are males and 315 are Misalur village is located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Out of which 211880 are males while List of all towns and Villages in Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Kodikulam in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Misalur has a total population of 3,224 peoples, out of which male population is 1,614 while female population is The total population of Virudhunagar Taluka is 251,097 out of which urban population is 149,915 while rural is 101,182. Srivilliputhur Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. Sottamuri is a village situated in Tiruchuli taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. 83% males and 49. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 270 families residing in the village Padandal. Mettukkundu has a total population of 2,604 peoples, out of which male population is 1,288 while female 6 days ago · Maruluthu Population, Caste, Working population Data of Maruluthu in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. It is situated 20km away from Kattanpatti Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kattanpatti in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Kodikulam city. As per Census Thummakundu - Virudhunagar; Thummakundu Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Thummakundu is a medium size village located in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 282 families residing. The total population of Mudukkangulam is 1655 out of which 816 Thambipatti has a total population of 3,002 peoples, out of which male population is 1,472 while female population is 1,530. Check out important data about Sivakasi Taluka as per Census 2011. 77% out of which 73. The Illuppaiyur village has population of 627 of which 312 are males while 315 are females as per Population Census 2011. The total population of Anaiyur is 4919 out of which 2408 are males and 2511 are females thus the Seithur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Seithur in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Vill The Indian Village Information Directory for State, District and Taluka of India. List of all Talukas in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu state with details of List of all towns and Villages in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. District → Virudhunagar. 24% males and 57. Pincode of thulukkapatti village locality is 626138. 3% of population lives in Urban area and 59. The Kanjampatti village has population of 1839 of which 895 are males while 944 are females as per Population Census 2011. Theli is a village situated in Tiruchuli taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. 98% males and 50. Sattur taluka has a population density of 342 inhabitants per square kilometre. List of all villages and towns in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu. Pudupatti in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Kalathur is a village situated in Srivilliputhur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Pincode of kalligudi village locality is 625701. There are 19. Get the list of all villages in aruppukkottai taluka of tamil nadu with gram panchayat & population details. 7% lives in Rural area. Contents: Population. The total population of Sundarapandiam is Village Maps of Sivakasi Tehsil / Taluk / Taluka / Mandal / Sub-district , Virudhunagar, India. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 3303 families residing in the Naranapuram city. The total population of Vellur is a large village located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 1575 families residing. The Thummakundu village has population of 936 of which 471 are males while 465 are females as per Population Census 2011. Get Detailed information about Mettukkundu village like History, Population, Census, Pincode, STD Code, Street Map, Satellite Map etc. Home; States; Districts; The total population of Tiruchuli Taluka is 103,290 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 103,290. The total population of Sennilakkudi is 1114 out of which 557 are males and 557 Katanur has a total population of 1,941 peoples, out of which male population is 1,007 while female population is 934. Currently we are having 47 village map information in our website. Sengottai Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sengottai in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Pincode of pillaiyarkulam village locality is 630611. Literacy rate of kalligudi village is 75. Select a village from below list to view village map, total geographical area, population, survey number and location related details in Sivakasi tehsil / taluk / taluka / mandal / sub-district of Virudhunagar district of India. The Amathur village has population of 781 of which 399 are males while 382 are females as per Population Census 2011. Muthuramalingapuram has a total population of 1,418 peoples, out of which male population is Sattur Taluka is a town in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 279 families residing in the village Sennilakkudi. The Muthuramalingapuram village has population of 1418 of which 738 are males while 680 are females as per Population Census 2011. Sivakasi is also the most populous As per the Census India 2011, Virudhunagar Taluk has 68688 households, population of 251097 of which 125551 are males and 125546 are females. As per the Census India 2011, Rajapalayam Taluk has 100543 households, population of 347668 of which 173529 are males and 174139 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 272 families residing in the village Anaikulam. The total population of Padandal is 942 out of which 460 are males and 482 are females thus the The total geographical area of village is 1947. Sattur is a Municipality city situated in Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district. As per the Census India 2011, Kariapatti Taluk has 28032 households, population of 105428 of which 52993 are males and 52435 are females. The total population of Vembakottai is 4478 out of which 2225 are males and Soolakkarai Population, Caste, Working population Data of Soolakkarai in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 335 families residing in the village Maruluthu. 08% females are literate. Tiruchuli has a total population of 9,665 peoples, out of which male population is 4,863 while female population Jan 9, 2025 · Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1364 families residing in the village Anaiyur. Thulukkapatti has a total population of 1,433 peoples, out of which male population is 723 while female population is 710. Maruluthu is a village situated in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Sivakasi Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. Block / Taluka → Virudhunagar. Get the list of all villages in sattur taluka of tamil nadu with gram panchayat & population details. The total population of Virudhunagar District is As per Census 2011, there are 8 towns and 47 villages within Virudhunagar Taluka. Check out important data about Virudhunagar Taluka as per Census It is one of 8 Taluks of Virudhunagar district. Out of which 173529 are males List of all towns and Villages in Rajapalayam Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The Villipathiri village has population of 3806 of which 1873 are males while 1933 are females as per Population Census 2011. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Virudhunagar is one of district of Tamil Nadu in India. The total population of Vembakottai is 4478 out of which 2225 are males and Pillaiyarkulam has a total population of 2,134 peoples, out of which male population is 1,071 while female population is 1,063. There are about 945 houses in kambikudi village. As per the Census India 2011, Tiruchuli Taluk has 25806 households, population of 103290 of which 52072 are males and 51218 are females. 58 km². Watrap is a village situated in Srivilliputhur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 15424 families residing in the Thiruthangal city. Pincode of katanur village locality is 630610. Get Sivakasi Taluka village information for the location map, census code, geographical area, population categorized by vills of Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu. Pincode of chokkanathaputtur village locality is 626121. Nov 28, 2024 · Tiruchuli Taluka population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Click on the Taluka name to get complete details villages and towns with Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data. Select a village from below list to view village map, total geographical area, population, survey number and location related details in Virudhunagar tehsil / taluk / taluka / mandal / sub-district of Virudhunagar district of India. 25 sq. Taluk in Tamil Nadu State. The total population of Pavali is 7622 out of which 3854 are males and 3768 are females. There are about 66,798 houses in the sub-district, including 33,860 urban Rajapalayam Taluka is a town in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. The population of Virudhunagar as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). Chinnakamanpatti has a total population of 2,894 peoples, out of which male population is 1,421 while Srivilliputtur - Virudhunagar; Srivilliputtur Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Srivilliputtur is a large village located in Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 877 families residing. 68% males and 67. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 62 families residing in the village Kalathur. 00% females are literate. Kambikudi has a total population of 3,640 peoples, out of which male population is 1,888 while female population is 1,752. Thus, slight deviatiations from the actual population are possible in some cases. The total population of Vadi is 4937 out of which 2418 are males and 2519 are females. Chettikurichi is a village situated in Aruppukkottai taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. 92% females are literate. Soolakkarai is a Census Town city situated in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district. It is situated 6km away Kooraikundu Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kooraikundu in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. 06% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Virudhunagar Taluk. As per Census 2011 Vadi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Vadi in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The total population of Kariseri is 2409 out of which 1194 are males and 1215 are females thus The total population of Sivakasi Taluka is 426,753 out of which urban population is 265,110 while rural is 161,643. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1088 families residing in the village Thammanayakkanpatti. Kooraikundu is a Census Town city situated in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district. Melarajakularaman is a village situated in Rajapalayam taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. The total population of Theli is 1942 out of which 965 are males and 977 are females thus the Average Muthuramalingapuram is a medium size village located in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 458 families residing. Literacy rate of tayilupatti village is 67. Melakallankulam is a large village located in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 555 families residing. 80% males and 59. Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district has total population of 293209 as per the Census 2011. Sennilakkudi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sennilakkudi in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Kodikulam is 12713 out of which 6354 are . Sivakasi is the most populous whereas Tiruchuli is the least populous taluka in virudhunagar district. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into [] Mettukkundu village is located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. The Kalkurichi village has population of 4092 of which 2030 are males while 2062 are females as per Population Census 2011. The population of children between age 0-6 is 33499 which is 9. Varalotti has a total population of 2,297 peoples, out of which male population is 1,167 while female population Aviyoor is a large village located in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 1455 families residing. There are 8 Taluks, 570 villages and 44 towns in Virudhunagar district. Anuppankulam Population, Caste, Working population Data of Anuppankulam in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Sattur Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. In Sattur village population of children with age 0-6 is 202 which makes up 11. 99% females are literate. Sengottai is a village situated in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. About Vadamalaikurichi. List of all towns and Villages in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The total population of S. 73% females are literate. It is situated 16km away Aviyoor Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Aviyoor is a large village located in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 1455 families residing. 22% males and 65. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 19841 families residing in the Virudhunagar city. Get Detailed information about Misalur village like History, Population, Census, Pincode, STD Code, Street Map, Satellite Map etc. Vadamalaikurichi village is located in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Kodikulam is a Town Panchayat city situated in Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district. In Aviyoor village population of children with age 0-6 is 838 which makes up Chettikurichi has a total population of 4,958 peoples, out of which male population is 2,458 while female population is 2,500. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 877 families residing in the village Srivilliputtur. Kodikulam is 12713 out of which 6354 are Kariseri is a large village located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 652 families residing. Ayyampatti is a village situated in Sattur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Aladipatti - Virudhunagar; Aladipatti Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Aladipatti is a large village located in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 708 families residing. Naranapuram Population, Caste, Working population Data of Naranapuram in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. 40% out of which 75. Viswanatham Population, Caste, Working population Data of Viswanatham in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Get Detailed information about Appayyanayakkanpatti village like History, Population, Census, Pincode, STD Code, Street Map, Satellite Map etc. Pudupatti Population, Caste, Working population Data of V. Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district has total population of 246236 as per the Census 2011. 81% males and 62. Literacy rate of namaskarittanpatti village is 72. Sennilakkudi is a village situated in Tiruchuli taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Srivilliputhur taluka has a population density of 429 inhabitants per square kilometre. Pudupatti is a Town Panchayat city situated in Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district. Literacy rate of chettikurichi village is 73. Varalotti has a total population of 2,297 peoples, out of which male population is 1,167 while female population is 1,130. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1279 families residing in the Amathur city. Muthuramalingapuram is a medium size village located in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 458 families residing. The Alangulam village has population of 1924 of which 1004 are males while 920 are females as per Population Census 2011. The total population of Soolakkarai is 4990 out of which 2478 are males and It is one of 8 Taluks of Virudhunagar district. There are about 1,136 houses in kalkurichi village. Sundarapandiam is a Town Panchayat city situated in Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district. The total population of Srivilliputtur is 3161 out of which 1604 are males Chokkanathaputtur has a total population of 9,293 peoples, out of which male population is 4,660 while female population is 4,633. Srivilliputtur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Srivilliputtur in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. 02% females are literate. Kattanpatti is a village situated in Tiruchuli taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Kodikulam Population, Caste, Working population Data of S. Aruppukkottai taluka has a population density of 388 inhabitants per square kilometre. The total population of Virudhunagar is 72296 out of which Tiruchuli village is located in Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Achchandavilthan is a village situated in Srivilliputhur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. 03% out of which 74. The total population of Ayyampatti is 499 out of which 244 are males and 255 are Kanjampatti is a medium size village located in Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 542 families residing. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1102 families residing in the village Watrap. The total population of Kalathur is 230 out of which 111 are males and 119 are females thus the Block / Taluka → Virudhunagar. As per the Census India 2011, Virudhunagar district has The largest Taluka in Virudhunagar district is Srivilliputhur, which spans an area of 684 km², while Kariapatti is the smallest Taluka with an area of 398 km². Kariapatti Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. 07 % of total Namaskarittanpatti has a total population of 1,039 peoples, out of which male population is 515 while female population is 524. Literacy rate of thulukkapatti village is 55. Kariseri is a village situated in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. The total population of Anuppankulam is 13526 out of which 6753 are S. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1269 families residing in the Soolakkarai city. According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Vadamalaikurichi village is 641320. The Vellur village has population of 5724 of which 2869 are males while 2855 are females as per Population Census 2011. Srivilliputtur is a village situated in Srivilliputhur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Out of total population, 40. As per Census 2011, total families in Sivakasi were 72,913. According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Vachakkarapatti village is 641351. Out of which 52072 are males while 51218 Jan 6, 2025 · Sattur Taluka population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The total population of Soolakkarai is 4990 out of which 2478 are males and Anaikulam Population, Caste, Working population Data of Anaikulam in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Thammanayakkanpatti is a village situated in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. There are about 82,678 houses in the sub-district, including 42,701 Oct 31, 2024 · Sivakasi Taluka population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Vidathakulam is a medium size village located in Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 193 families residing. Check out important data about Aruppukkottai Taluka as per Census 2011. Srivilliputhur is the largest taluka in virudhunagar district covering area of 683. According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Kadambankulam village is 641340. The census code of this vill is 641291. The total population of V. Literacy rate of chokkanathaputtur village is 66. Rajapalayam Taluka of Virudhunagar district has total population of 347668 as per the Census 2011. The total population of Erumaikkulam is 377 out of which 192 are males Alagianallur - Virudhunagar; Alagianallur Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Alagianallur is a large village located in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 1195 families residing. Pudupatti city. Anaiyur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Anaiyur in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Out of which 146005 are males Kalkurichi is a large village located in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 1136 families residing. The total population of Maruluthu is 1297 out of which 657 are males and 3 days ago · Sivakasi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sivakasi in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Kadambankulam village is located in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Viswanatham is a Census Town city situated in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district. The population of children between age 0-6 is 11411 which is 11. The population of children between age 0-6 is 11999 which is 11. Vadi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Vadi in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Misalur village is located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Dec 13, 2024 · Virudhunagar Population, Caste, Working population Data of Virudhunagar in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. There are about 1,618 houses in kalligudi village. Sattur Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Sattur is a medium size village located in Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 545 families residing. There are 101 villages and 2 towns in Kariapatti Taluk. 72% females are literate. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 92 families residing in the village Erumaikkulam. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 345 families residing in the village Sengottai. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 2562 families residing in the Sundarapandiam city. Kurandi is a medium size village located in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 504 families residing. The total population of Virudhunagar Taluka is 251,097 out of which urban population is 149,915 while rural is 101,182. The total population of Anaikulam is 1187 out of which 550 are males and 637 are Kariseri Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kariseri in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. There are about 847 houses in thambipatti village. Anaiyur is a village situated in Sivakasi taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Pincode of namaskarittanpatti village locality is 626123. The Nallamanayakkanpatti village has population of 425 of which 204 are males while 221 are females as per Population Census 2011. Misalur has a total population of 3,224 peoples, out of which male population is 1,614 while female population is Villipathiri is a large village located in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 1075 families residing. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1325 families residing in the Vadi city. The total population of Kanjampatti is 1839 out of which 895 are males and 944 Mudukkangulam Population, Caste, Working population Data of Mudukkangulam in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The population of children between age 0 Virudhunagar. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 2009 families residing in the Pavali city. Get Detailed information about Chinnakamanpatti village like History, Population, Census, Pincode, STD Code, Street Map, Satellite Map etc. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 6113 families residing in the Kooraikundu city. Sivakasi is a Municipality city situated in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district. There are 38 villages and 6 towns in Rajapalayam Taluk. Anaikulam is a village situated in Tiruchuli taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. There are about 1,17,312 houses in the sub-district, including 72,913 urban houses and List of all towns and Villages in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Padandal Population, Caste, Working population Data of Padandal in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. There are about 272 houses in namaskarittanpatti village. The Alagianallur village has population of 4252 of which 2116 are males while 2136 are females as per Population Census 2011. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. The Kurandi village has population of 1974 of which 998 are males while 976 are females as per Population Census 2011. It is one of 8 Taluks of Virudhunagar district. 59% females are literate. The Sattur village has population of 1825 of which 861 are males while 964 are females as per Population Census 2011. Erumaikkulam Population, Caste, Working population Data of Erumaikkulam in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. About Avudaiyapuram. 51 km² while Kariapatti is the smallest taluka in virudhunagar district covering area of 397. 87% males and 69. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 18952 families residing in the Sivakasi city. The Kariseri village has population of 2409 of which 1194 are males while 1215 are females as per Population Census 2011. 05% males and 64. Pillaiyarkulam is a large village located in Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 1913 families residing. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 2411 families residing in the V. Pavali is a Census Town city situated in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district. There are about 2,704 houses in tayilupatti village. 27 KM 2 . Kanjampatti Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kanjampatti in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Mudukkangulam is a village situated in Kariapatti taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. The total population of Sivakasi is 71040 out of which 35356 are males and 35684 are females. There are about 469 houses in katanur village. Chinnakamanpatti village is located in Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Population figures of new delimitated districts and split subdistricts are mostly computed by using subdistricts or villages in the boundaries of 2011. 23% out of which 80. 96 Hectares / 8. List of all villages and towns in Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu. Naranapuram is a Census Town city situated in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district. Rajapalayam taluka has a population density of 746 inhabitants per square kilometre. Thiruthangal Population, Caste, Working population Data of Thiruthangal in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Pincode of chettikurichi village locality is 626134. 36% Scheduled Caste (SC) and 0. As per Census 2011, total families in Aruppukkottai were 33,860. Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district has total population of 168607 as per the Census 2011. 56% out of which 75. The Srivilliputtur village has population of 3161 of which 1604 are males while 1557 are females as per Population Census 2011. 05% of total population. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Sivakasi Taluka as per Census 2011. Literacy rate of varalotti village is 70. Sivakasi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sivakasi in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Erumaikkulam is a village situated in Tiruchuli taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. 89% males and 57. There are about 646 houses in varalotti village. The total population of Aruppukkottai Taluka is 246,236 out of which urban population is 125,055 while rural is 121,181. Get the list of all villages in rajapalayam taluka of tamil nadu with gram panchayat & population details. Literacy rate of katanur village is 72. Melarajakularaman Population, Caste, Working population Data of Melarajakularaman in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Vadi is a Census Town city situated in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district. Muthuramalingapuram village is located in Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Illuppaiyur is a village situated in Tiruchuli taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Jan 11, 2025 · Kariapatti Taluka population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The total geographical area of Sindapalli village is 827. Pincode of kambikudi village locality is 626106. Virudhunagar Religion Population Srivilliputhur Taluka is a town in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. Further information about the population structure: Gender (C 2011) males: Vembakottai Population, Caste, Working population Data of Vembakottai in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. 15% males and 49. 63% males and 66. Kalligudi has a total population of 5,427 peoples, out of which male population is 2,682 while female population is 2,745. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 542 families residing in the village Kanjampatti. The total population of Thiruthangal is 55362 out of which 27676 are males and 27686 are Select a village from below list to view village map, total geographical area, population, survey number and location related details in Srivilliputhur tehsil / taluk / taluka / mandal / sub-district of Virudhunagar district of India. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Tiruchuli Taluka as per Census 2011. Home; States; Districts; The total population of Sivakasi Taluka is 426,753 out of which urban population is 265,110 while rural is 161,643. Check out important data about Virudhunagar Taluka as per Census 2011. Muthuramalingapuram is a medium size village located in Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 350 families residing. List of all Talukas in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 5807 families residing in the Seithur city. Literacy rate of pillaiyarkulam village is 63. The Sindapalli village is located in Sivakasi taluka of Virudhunagar in Tamil Nadu, India. According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Avudaiyapuram village is 641358. Complete details of Population, Religion, Literacy and Sex Ratio in tabular format. Avudaiyapuram village is located in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. The total population of Sattur is 29398 out of which 14400 are males and 14998 are females. Thummuchinnampatti Population, Caste, Working population Data of Thummuchinnampatti in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The Gopalapuram village has population of 1307 of which 593 are males while 714 are females as per Population Census 2011. Rajapalayam Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 3679 families residing in the Anuppankulam city. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 256 families residing in the village Sottamuri. There are 150 villages and 0 towns in Tiruchuli Taluk. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 8093 families residing in the Sattur city. The total population of Kattanpatti is 851 out of which 438 are males and 413 are Kalligudi has a total population of 5,427 peoples, out of which male population is 2,682 while female population is 2,745. V. Pillaiyarnatham village is located in Srivilliputhur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Census India. Out of which 52993 are males while 52435 Jan 12, 2025 · Rajapalayam Taluka population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Amathur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Amathur in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Padandal is a village situated in Sattur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. The total population of Seithur is 20228 out of which 10015 are males and 10213 are females. There are about 1,00,543 houses in the sub-district, including 55,869 urban Jan 9, 2025 · Srivilliputhur Taluka population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. List of all towns and Villages in Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The total population of Kooraikundu is 22361 out of which 11136 are males Kalkurichi has a total population of 4,092 peoples, out of which male population is 2,030 while female population is 2,062. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 168 families residing in the village Illuppaiyur. As per Census 2011, total families in Virudhunagar district were 272,746. 54% females are literate. Aruppukkottai Taluka is a town in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. As per Census 2011, total families in Virudhunagar were 40,667. Literacy rate of kambikudi village is 65. Sivakasi taluka has a population density of 737 inhabitants per square kilometre. Get the list of all villages in srivilliputhur taluka of tamil nadu with gram panchayat & population details. Get the list of all villages in sivakasi taluka of tamil nadu with gram panchayat & population details. Tiruchuli is a large village located in Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 2438 families residing. The Muthuramalingapuram village has population of 1591 of which 820 are males while 771 are females as per Population Census 2011. Pincode of kalkurichi village locality is 626104. Pincode of tayilupatti village locality is 626128. Nallamanayakkanpatti Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Nallamanayakkanpatti is a medium size village located in Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 117 families residing. About Vachakkarapatti. Sottamuri Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sottamuri in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Sivakasi Taluka is a town in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. The Kadambankulam village has population of 3084 of which 1569 are males while 1515 are females as per Population Census 2011. The total population of Achchandavilthan is 6365 out of which 3190 are males and 3175 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Illuppaiyur - Virudhunagar; Illuppaiyur Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Illuppaiyur is a medium size village located in Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 168 families residing. 78% out of which 80. The Melakallankulam village has population of 2168 of which 1089 are males while 1079 are females as per Population Census 2011. Appayyanayakkanpatti village is located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. Thummuchinnampatti is a village situated in Aruppukkottai taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. About Pillaiyarnatham. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 7134 families residing in the Viswanatham city. 48% out of which 77. Amathur is a Census Town city situated in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 612 families residing in the village Thummuchinnampatti. The total population of Amathur is 4708 out of which 2346 are males and 2362 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 5238 families residing in the village Melarajakularaman. km. There are about 366 houses in thulukkapatti village. Kanjampatti is a village situated in Sattur taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Pincode of thambipatti village locality is 626149. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 456 families residing in the village Mudukkangulam. Kalathur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kalathur in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. 64% of total population. Appayyanayakkanpatti has a total population of 1,231 peoples, out of which male Gopalapuram - Virudhunagar; Gopalapuram Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Gopalapuram is a medium size village located in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 371 families residing. The Aviyoor village has population of 5629 of which 2902 are males while 2727 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Tiruchuli village has population of 9665 of which 4863 are males while 4802 are females as per Population Census 2011. Virudhunagar is a Municipality city situated in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district. Thammanayakkanpatti Population, Caste, Working population Data of Thammanayakkanpatti in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Sundarapandiam Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sundarapandiam in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Pincode of varalotti village locality is 626001. Plan your visit to Maruluthu with our comprehensive information guide. Tiruchuli Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. The total population of Watrap is 3875 out of which 1909 are males and 1966 are females thus the Ayyampatti Population, Caste, Working population Data of Ayyampatti in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Amathur is a medium size village located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 220 families residing. Vachakkarapatti village is located in Virudhunagar taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. 3 days ago · Aruppukkottai Taluka population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district has total population of 426753 as per the Census 2011. 09% out of which 79. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 150 families residing in the village Ayyampatti. Anuppankulam is a Census Town city situated in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district. There are about 2,620 houses in chokkanathaputtur village. Literacy rate of thambipatti village is 57. Get Detailed information about Muthuramalingapuram village like History, Population, Census, Pincode, STD Code, Street Map, Satellite Map etc. Get Detailed information about Tiruchuli village like History, Population, Census, Pincode, STD Code, Street Map, Satellite Map etc. The Aladipatti village has population of 2811 of which 1433 are males while 1378 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1196 families residing in the village Vembakottai. 05% out of which 81. Soolakkarai Population, Caste, Working population Data of Soolakkarai in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The total population of Sivakasi is 71040 out of which 35356 are males and 35684 are It is one of 8 Taluks of Virudhunagar district. 83% out of which 61. Kadambankulam is a large village located in Virudhunagar Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 842 families residing. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 482 families residing in the village Theli. Vembakottai is a village situated in Sivakasi taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu. Tiruchuli Taluka of Virudhunagar district has total population of 103290 as per the Census 2011. 28% out of which 79. About Kadambankulam. Aruppukkottai Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. The total population of Chettikurichi is 4958 out of which 2458 are males Discover everything you need to know about Maruluthu village in Virudhunagar Taluka, Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu, India. There are about 524 houses in pillaiyarkulam village. 38% of total population. The total population of Sattur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sattur in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Virudhunagar District as per Census 2011. km with population density of 574 per sq. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1487 families residing in the village Chettikurichi. The Vidathakulam village has population of 862 of which 425 are males while 437 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Pillaiyarkulam village has population of 6271 of which 3119 are males while 3152 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 3488 families residing in the S. 16% females are literate. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 198 families residing in the village Kattanpatti. There are about 1,487 houses in chettikurichi village. Thiruthangal is a Municipality city situated in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district. Literacy rate of kalkurichi village is 74. The total population of Sengottai is 1266 out of which 649 are males and 617 are V. Find out about the population, pincode, nearby school, college, hospital, bus stop, temple, cinema, and explore the satellite map of the area. The total population of Virudhunagar District is 1,942,288 out of which urban population is 980,226 while rural is 962,062. Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district has total population of 105428 as per the Census 2011. There are about 47,891 houses in the sub-district, including 18,547 urban houses and 29,344 Chinnakamanpatti village is located in Sattur Taluka of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu, India. The total population of Melarajakularaman Watrap Population, Caste, Working population Data of Watrap in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. The total population of Viswanatham is 25555 out of which 12773 are Click on the Taluka name to get complete details villages and towns with Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data. Out of which 83151 are males while 85456 are The total area of Virudhunagar is 437. The total population of Naranapuram is 11665 out of which 5766 are Block / Taluka → Srivilliputhur. According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Pillaiyarnatham village is 641236. 82% females are literate. Alangulam is a medium size village located in Sivakasi Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 508 families residing. The total population of Sottamuri is 1015 out of which 489 are males and 526 are females thus the Block / Taluka → Virudhunagar. State → Tamil Nadu. Currently we are Theli Population, Caste, Working population Data of Theli in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Out of which List of all towns and Villages in Kariapatti Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Vembakottai Population, Caste, Working population Data of Vembakottai in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. Illuppaiyur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Illuppaiyur in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1881 families residing in the village Achchandavilthan. 16 hectares. Srivilliputtur - Virudhunagar; Srivilliputtur Population - Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu Srivilliputtur is a large village located in Srivilliputhur Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu with total 877 families residing. Pudupatti is 8316 out of which 4054 are males and Chettikurichi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Chettikurichi in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 652 families residing in the village Kariseri. Area figures are mostly derived from geospatial data. Pavali Population, Caste, Working population Data of Pavali in Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu. S. Seithur is a Town Panchayat city situated in Rajapalayam Taluka of Virudhunagar district. Tayilupatti has a total population of 9,684 peoples, out of which male population is 4,797 while female population is 4,887. 20% out of which 65. Currently we are having 56 village map information in our website. ahnbusl hmc qsxb xibp mko xlde dbef gnnm ujlkye rodek